When cooperating with Innokas’ specialists, we feel like really competent and experienced people are brought together.
Wipak Oy is a Finnish-based supplier of packaging solutions and services for food products and medical devices, founded in 1967. The company’s mission is to enable their customers to deliver their products to end-users with safe and sustainable packaging. Wipak operates as part of the family owned Wihuri Group, a diverse Finnish conglomerate that can trace its origins back over 100 years.
”Our main focuses are on food and medical industries as well as on healthcare facilities. Packaging plays a critical role in preventing food waste while preserving resources as well as helping to ensure more sustainable future. On healthcare technology side, packaging plays an important role in infection-control programs. The sterilization packaging materials as well as the Steriking® products, such as pouches and reels, developed and manufactured by us are crucial part of the final sterile products our customers deliver to the end-users”, tells Tanja Venäläinen, working as Regulatory Affairs Manager at Wipak.
On healthcare technology sector, companies must meet the growing regulatory requirements, which is not an optional thing to do. Even if Wipak’s quality and regulatory management is in a good shape also internally, they have found it reasonable to cooperate with experts in the field to keep up with the latest trends around QA&RA. Innokas Medical is one of their partners.
“Even if we have very competent quality and regulatory management team in-house, we wanted to strengthen our internal practices around risk management and ISO 14971 standard by using a training held by a knowledgeable partner company. The training was targeted to different parties in our value-chain; from top management to sales and finally to R&D and regulatory specialists”, Venäläinen tells.
“We tailored the training together with Innokas to perfectly match the needs of our company and business as well as end-users’ needs. As a result, we spent very comprehensive training day with Innokas, after which the materials we’ve been able to use have been valuable”, she continues.
”Even if we have very competent quality and regulatory management team in-house, we wanted to strengthen our internal practices around risk management and ISO 14971 standard by using a training held by a knowledgeable partner company.”
Tanja Venäläinen
Regulatory Affairs Manager, Wipak
Venäläinen feels that the co-operation with Innokas’ QA&RA team has worked very well. In particular, she wants to emphasize Innokas’ ability to offer professional consulting services, that are tailored to meet customer’s needs in a very practical level, as well as company’s comprehensive experience in the field.
”Innokas Medical is a well-known and experienced player in the field, so choosing them as a partner for this project was logical choice for us. Their strong experience and position as a pioneer in healthcare technology sector in Finland can be seen especially through the company’s willingness to develop and improve the whole sector and industry through its comprehensive experience and services. We see this very valuable”, Venäläinen concludes.