ScandiDos AB

Radiation therapy is an important and challenging application area, especially from patient safety point of view.

Innokas Medical has entered into manufacturing collaboration with Swedish medical technology company ScandiDos AB. This collaboration brings yet another Swedish customer to Innokas, providing evidence to the continued investments in Innokas’ growth and internationalization.

ScandiDos AB is a Swedish medical technology company, offering improvements in the treatment of cancer patients worldwide by reinforcing the confidence in radiotherapy clinics. The company provides innovative solutions that further individualize the radiation treatment while at the same time making the treatment processes safer and more effective.

“Our company provides unique measurement systems and software, that are designed for quality assurance and validation of the treatments which are being implemented in cancer care clinics around the world”, tells Kjell Lundgren, Production and Purchasing Manager at ScandiDos.

The Delta4 Family is the company’s complete solution for both Pre Treatment and At Treatment dose verification. Delta4 accurately monitors the dose delivered to the patient during the cancer treatment, and alerts of deviations from the prescribed treatment plan.

“Our products offer unique accuracy and ease-of-use. With quality assurance based on real-time measurements the doctors can be confident that the dose delivered to the patient is what they have planned”, Lundgren explains.

Introduced in 2006, the Delta4 Family is in use already in over 600 clinics in more than 40 countries world-wide. The system has both CE mark and FDA clearance.

“With the first deliveries there were some changes and fixes that needed to be handled, but Innokas’ performance was efficient, so the changes were addressed effectively.”

Kjell Lundgren
Production and Purchasing Manager, ScandiDos

Innokas Medical started collaboration discussions with ScandiDos already few years ago when the company indicated that at some point they might need a new manufacturing partner in the Nordics. The cooperation between Innokas and ScandiDos has now kicked-off as Innokas has started the manufacturing of parts and modules for Delta4 product family at the Kempele factory.

“The first deliveries were conducted already in the summer this year. With the first deliveries there were some changes and fixes that needed to be handled, but Innokas’ performance was efficient, so the changes were addressed effectively”, Lundgren tells.

Innokas Medical’s former Executive Vice President, Tommi Kaasalainen, is very happy about the new cooperation partnership started with ScandiDos. He sees the radiation therapy as an important and challenging application area, especially from patient safety point of view. This is where Scandidos bring great value.

“ScandiDos’ concept is very interesting and is definitely having positive impact on both accuracy and appropriateness of cancer patient treatments as the system is not only measuring the dose distribution but also automatically comparing the delivered dose with the planned one. It is important to have that functionality independent of the radiation therapy system vendors”, Kaasalainen discusses.

“I’m very happy about this collaboration, as it’s yet another concrete result of our efforts to strengthen our position in Scandinavia. I want to thank Scandidos team for trusting Innokas to deliver such critical components and modules for their products. Now we’re working hard to meet and exceed the expectations of the customer,” he concludes.