Innokas Medical will participate in the International Industrial Subcontracting Trade Fair to be held at the Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre 24.–26.9.2013. The main theme of the event is [...]
Guidance and counseling related to FDA audits are among the services that Innokas Medical has provided for its customers. Now Innokas Medical has created a separate product based on this [...]
Innokas Medical actively forms networks with functionaries in the health technology sector. One important reference group is the Federation of Finnish Technology Industries, FiHTA, which looks [...]
Representatives from the Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK) and the Oulu Chamber of Commerce, led by managing director Jyri Häkämies, familiarized themselves with Innokas Medical’s [...]
Kirsi Kähkönen, head of production, has been at Innokas Medical for a long time, already. Still, she is just as enthusiastic about her work as ever. Or how many can say they voluntarily show up [...]
Innokas Medical again participated in the COMPAMED fair held in Düsseldorf, Germany, 14.–16.11.2012. As before, Innokas Medical’s stand was in COMPAMED’s hall 8b, department H26. Innokas Medical [...]
MEDICA/Compamed is one of the largest exhibitions in the field of medical technology. As before, it attracted a large crowd of specialists to Düsseldorf on November 14-16. This year 4554 [...]
Innokas Medical is expanding its operation in Estonia. A new plant has been set up in Tallinn—it is currently being prepared for production. The plant will be taken into use by the end of the [...]
The FDA conducted two inspections at Innokas Medical a few months apart. Both the inspector and Innokas Medical are satisfied with the results. Our processes are well planned and implemented in [...]
The capacity and quality of the PCB assembly line in Innokas Medical’s Kempele plant were boosted by means of new investments. The plant has a new vapor phase reflow oven and a new paste printing [...]