The collaborative consortium has received millions of euros of funding in the Tekes Challenge Finland competition. The project is carried out in cooperation with various research organizations [...]
Innokas Medical will again participate in the MedTec Europe fair to be held in Stüttgart, Germany, on April 4–6. Innokas will participate the fair at Medical Mountain’s stand together with [...]
Moodmetric’s CEO Niina Venho: ”We have been very satisfied with the cooperation with Innokas Medical. The quality of the products has been excellent, and the delivery times are accurate.”
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Moodmetric is a Finnish healthcare technology start-up company concentrating on helping individuals and companies to prevent the negative impacts of prolonged stress. The company’s product, the [...]
Innokas Medical participated at Yrityspäivät event in Tampere in the beginning of February. Yrityspäivät is the largest networking and recruitment event for university and college students in [...]